Where YOU are the Bee's Knees!!

Hours of Operation
Tuesday 12 - 6 PM
Wednesday 12 - 6 PM
Thursday 11 AM - 9 PM
Friday 11 AM - 9 PM
(Adult Swim 6:30 PM - 9 PM)
Saturday 11 AM - 7 PM
Sunday 12 - 5 PM
Standard Studio Rate
$8 Per Hour Per Person
Group Rates
(4 or more people WITH reservations 24 hours in advance)
$4 per hour per person
Flat Rate Wednesday
Studio Rates are Reduced to $10 for the entire day
Friends Night (6 pm Thursday)
1/2 Price studio fees $4 Per Hour Per Person
Adult Swim (All kids out of the pool)
(6:30 pm to 9 pm every Friday)
All studio rates are reduced
$8 Per person for the entire night